![]() Please join us on Sunday morning, July the 4th as we welcome Pastor Tom Clark to his new appointment here at COFS. Many of us have known Tom from his previous work at Church of the Four Seasons and we look forward to being able to continue our to grow under his leadership. Please note that we have changed our service time and we will be starting Sunday morning worship at 11:00 am. The 2021 Indiana Annual Conference was held on Sunday, June 20, 2021 2021 is the first fully-digital Annual Conference in the history of the Indiana Conference. You can view the summary of the conference here.
You can watch the celebration of life video here. EPISCOPAL ADDRESS Bishop Trimble shared an impassioned Episcopal Address entitled Awesome and Amazing. Bishop shared several examples of how God has been at work in the Indiana Conference in the last year, from church plants and Fresh Expressions to virtual Bible studies and baptisms. He declared, “Thank you, God, for signs of Pentecost and prayer power, for constant sightings and signs of Jesus and justice!” 2022 ANNUAL CONFERENCE
We are planning to meet in person June 9-11, 2022, at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana.
Office hours:Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 3:00 pm |
TelephoneOffice: 219-663-7803
Pastor's Cell: 219-798-9352 |